Sunday, August 1, 2010

a trip to Vivo City

Was on my way to watch Dispecable Me with my GF that day and happens to catch this prominent exhibit at Vivo City Atrium.

After paying 4 SGD(for 2 tickets), we proceed to the entrance.

Greeted by the big yellow door which resemble National Geographic logo,sadly the usher told us to keep our camera and didn't allow us to take any photos of the interior.

Once we stepped in, a video played on a big projection screen showing us a short documentary movie about the Oman voyage. The usher showed us the way in and we finally see what this is all about. it showcases a lot of interesting relics the Oman voyage and all the relics are being displayed in specific jewel case that resemble treasure cases.

We spent +/- 10 mins inside before we stepped out and took some shots of the exterior.

Pretty interesting use of materials can be seen through out the structure. They uses fabric instead of plywood as the wall structure. A cost saving solution for such a big event space and also in line with the ship concept.

Some multimedia kiosks being displayed outside. It shows a detailed information of the ship that they are using in the voyage. Well presented with interactive 3D graphics.
Interesting detail on the structure. The uses of multiple threaded ropes instead of just usual laminates.

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